July 31, 2015

Reversing Racial Showcasing

Tune in for an hour or more of news, information and social commentary. Today will be open forum but would like to discuss strategies for dealing with police violence through politics. 

In the news.....

South Carolina cop kills unarmed white teen, where is the outrage and corporate media coverage?
New Jersey State Trooper shoots into car full of white teens for knocking on his door at night
Offers pour in to help pay killer cop Ray Tensing’s bail and legal bills
Federal government finds St. Louis County Family Court discriminates against black children
White male in Louisiana assaults black child in a terrorist attack and is out of jail already on a $10,000 dollar bond

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July 30, 2015

The Civil War ain’t over with battles yet to fight

Tune in for an hour or more of news, information and social commentary. No guest speakers scheduled for today but plenty to discuss. In the news…
This news and possibly more today plus your calls!

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July 28, 2015

Brooklyn DA Ken Thompson tested by recent NYPD assault on unarmed man HR 1

During hour one we discussed the NYPD making headlines again for all the wrong reasons as a patron at a Flatbush Target captured a gang of thugs cops on video from the 70th precinct brutally beating a man while apprehending him for a unknown alleged criminal offense. Flatbush has a history of mistreating African descendant people going back to the days when it was a Dutch colony engaged in human trafficking. This attack on a defenseless man occurred in the Brooklyn District which is the area served by Prosecutor Ken Thomas.

During hour two we discussed a Maryland report that shows people with principles have committed another act of civil disobedience in defacing another memorial to white supremacists. It is being reported that homeland security and the FBI spied on Black Lives Matter activists but it should not be shocking to anyone as they did the same thing to Occupy Wall Street activist including an alleged assassination.  

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African/Black Empowerment w/ Temple of New African Thought Hr 3

During the third hour we continued to cover police terrorism and whether or not the mass media is creating a false perception that there are no white Sandra Blands as Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders seems to believe.

African/Black Empowerment w/ Temple of New African Thought Hr 2

During hour two we wrapped up the conversation with our guest closing out by discussing lobbyist and the Black community. The Waller County Prosecutor claimed that Sandra Bland killed herself because she had cannabis in her system and he repeated old debunked associations between marijuana and suicide.

African/Black Empowerment w/ Temple of New African Thought Hr 1

During hour one we spoke with Minister Ausar and Brother Sankofa from the Baltimore based Temple of New African Thought. African/Black Empowerment was the topic and a conversation was had on not only what Black people as a group should be doing in politics and institution building but suggestions on what they collectively should stop doing to each other as much as possible.