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Tonight is a review of the news of the past week and headlines or other stuff that caught my eye. Updates on what is going on with Black Talk Radio Network. A listener suggested I start a open line show were listeners can call in and report any news that has caught their attention or to share some of their experiences this week living behind enemy lines within the United Corporations of America.
Possible Topics
Whistle-blower Eric Snowden reveals massive spying on Americans through a program called Prism that can hack into email, social networks and grab cell phone data.
Another scandal emerges from the State Department where another whistle-blower Aurelia Fedenisn said investigation into serious crimes committed by State Department employees and private contractors working for the State Department. This all occurred during Hillary Clinton's watch and of course she is playing deaf, dumb and blind.
Guess what, COINTELPRO did not end after being exposed in the 1970's. The corporate media is failing to report that the US government is still paying journalist to plant stories as claimed by a FOIA lawsuit filed recently.
President has finally given in to the White Supremacist in the US government and the greedy capitalist who run the country in agreeing to arm the Syrian Rebels and cannibal terrorists. It is Iraq all over again with tales of chemical weapons.