February 4, 2012

News Brief: Corrupt Cops, Prosecutors and U.S. Welfare for Israelis

New York
New York Police seriously need an intervention. After cop gets convicted of "flaking", he cries and gets off easy.

Israelis doing all they can to pull the U.S. into another war on their behalf and while U.S. politicans talk aobut how they don't care for poor or falsely accusing certain segments of the population as welfare cheats, Israel, which gets a billion per year from U.S taxpayers get sweet handout to move to occupied Palenstinian land.

Corruption in Detroit's Wayne County prosecutors office preverts justice in the Runyon Street slayings. Interview with the mother of innocent incacerated teen Devontae Sanford.

February 2, 2012

Detroit hitman wants to clear innocent teen of crimes

Vincent Smothers, a convicted former Detroit hitman has once again come forward to the public to clear the name of Devontae Sanford. Devontae Sandford, a young man with a sever mental impairment, confessed to killing 4 people who were brutally murdered in Detroit. Vincent Smothers gave an interview on January 30, 2012 to Associated Press writer Ed White in which he confessed to being gulity of the four murders for which Devontae was convicted.

This is not the first time Smothers has confessed but it is the first time that he has been willing to take the stand and testify that "There is no link between him and Devontae whom he has never known and that Devontae had nothing to do with the murders. I spoke by phone today to Ms. Taminko Sanford, Devontae's mother who has remained steadfast in fighting for her son's freedom.

Kim L. Worthy
Wayne County Prosecutor
(313) 224 - 5777

Vincent Smothers, #295527
Ionia Correctional Facility
1576 W. Bluewater Highway
Ionia, MI 48846

February 1, 2012

Ending the Drug War w/ Keith King

Keith King joins us on Black Talk Radio News again to discuss the latest news pertaining to the Drug War/Policy. Keith is a retired United States Coast Guard Commander and resides in Kailua-Kona, HI.

He was in law enforcement for 37 years and got his start before the war on drugs began. He served in the United States Coast Guard for 24 years in various capacities including as a watch officer in Miami and at Coast Guard headquarters in Washington, DC, retiring as commander.

He also provided 13 years of service to the state of Hawaii, both in the judiciary and the enforcement branch of the Department of Land and Natural Resources.
Like other members of LEAP, Keith says, “What we are doing is not working,” and “We’ve literally handed over control of the drug trade to cartels and organized crime".