Nick Turse is the author of The Complex and the associate editor for His investigations of U.S. war crimes in Vietnam have gained him a Guggenheim Fellowship and a fellowship at Harvard University’s Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, as well as the Ridenhour Prize, among other awards.
Americans have long been taught that events such as the notorious My Lai massacre were isolated incidents in the Vietnam War, carried out by "a few bad apples."
But as award‑winning journalist/historian Nick Turse demonstrates in Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam, violence against Vietnamese noncombatants was pervasive and systemactic.
Stay tuned because then we speak with political scientist and author Dr Tucker-Worgs will join us.
Her book "The Black Megachurch: Theology, Gender, and the Politics of Public Engagement" rceived the W.E.B. DuBois Award from the National Conference of Black Political Scientist. She will give an address titled "Answering the Knock at Midnight: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy in the Contemporary Black Church.