August 2, 2011

Will Obama achieve Peace in the Middle East?

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Does Devonte Sanford need a new trial? The 16 yr old was convicted of a string of murders another prisoner has confessed to committing.

Kwame Kilpatrick released from prison after serving stint for a parole violation.

The mother of Devonte Sanford will be a guest on Black Talk Radio later this week.

George & Wes take the airwaves later tonight on

They host An Hour With Us at 6:00 Pm Est every Tuesday.

Israel Agrees to pre-1967 lines to negotiate land swaps with Palestinians in light of UN Nation Hood Vote Threat. What do you think has softened Israel’s position?

Do you believe the Norwegian Terrorist attacks played a role, the upcoming UN Vote on Palestinian Statehood made them change their demands, what about the legislation passed along with a two-stage debt ceiling increase, that may see the defense budget get 50% of its funding slashed which could impact the US military arms giveaway to both Israel and Egypt?


Reports of numerous attacks on Norwegian Muslims, possibly due to right wing media & bloggers blatantly false reports that Muslims were involved in the camp ground massacre and the bombing of a government building.