July 4, 2015

Independence day is not about women or non-white people period

Tune in for an hour or more of news and socio/political commentary. Today our guest speaker will be James C. Giles who was wrongfully convicted of rape in Dallas, Texas in 1983. It would take a quarter-century to prove his innocence, but DNA testing finally led to his exoneration in 2007. He served 10 years in prison and 14 years as a registered sex offender on parole for a crime he did not commit. Read more.

Today he wants to discuss the issues as it relates to false imprisonment, self employment after prison, how most prosecutors are not interested in justice but maintain the "system" and how family ties can be lost to those enslaved in prison. After speaking to Mr Giles, I want to take a look at the true meaning and history of Independence Day and what it celebrates.

In my humble opinion, the 4th of July is used to give the illusion of inclusion to women and non-white people. It also shows you how the minds of the masses are controlled by mass media.

Also, if you study the story of Crispus Attucks, you can pick up on how wealthy white men hijacked the American Revolution for their benefit and that of the poor, the non-white and women. We also want to remind you of the RBG Black Unity exercise on the 4th of July because black lives do not matter to the racist American institutions preying on them everyday. Racist suspects are pushing propaganda and calling this exercise "racist".

The Power of Propaganda Symbolism

"If you can not deal with the things you can see (racist symbols in the public square), how are you going to deal with the things you can't see (institutional racism)" - John Sims on New Abolitionists Radio

Tune in for an hour or more of news and socio/political commentary. We have new updates concerning white terrorism behind the enemy lines known as the USA.

Is Congress finally mobilizing to convene a hearing on domestic white terrorism and will the Republicans try to stop any hearings on the matter so as not to offend their base?

Did you sign and share our petition to the President and Congress to restore the staff of the unit that was tracking these potential terrorist? The NAACP is asking Black churches to stop sitting around doing nothing in the face of white terrorism and starting taking pre-cautions to protect their members and places of worship.

"If you can not deal with the things you can see (racist symbols in the public square), how are you going to deal with the things you can't see (institutional racism)" - John Sims, New Abolitionists Radio

 Today we will take a look at propaganda symbolism and how it is used on the masses. A lot of people do not understand the power of propaganda therefore they do not understand why people are mobilizing against white supremacist symbolism in the public spaces (tax payer property).

June 30, 2015

Black Unity on the 4th of You-Lie

Tune in for an hour or more of news and socio/political commentary. Minister Paul Scott will join the broadcast today to promote Black Unity and the RBG Colors on the 4th of You Lie. Check out and share the FB Event and how to change your profile pic with free online software for Desktops & Mobiles.

  6-30-2015 1-56-27 PM

This week is the "4th of You-Lie"...Would you support a movement to get as many Afrikans as possible to rep the Red , Black and Green Flag to counter the Red White and Blue propaganda? Signify yes by changing your FB profile picture to Red , Back and Green...Are you down? - Min. Paul Scott

 The Confederate/Terrorist flag debate is more than just about a "flag" it is about what that flag represents which is racism/white supremacy and the wider conversation around the subject of racism/white supremacy.

Today, I want to bring to put the spotlight on just how damaging racism/white supremacy is on the psyche of Black people. For the Black people who participate in politics, a very small minority, troubling news has surfaced that shows that in a recent poll, Bernie Sanders received just 3% of support among Black voters versus Hillary Clinton’s 91%.

Why do you think Black voters would indicate that they would support a woman who along with her husband has helped other white supremacists do damage to the Black community? This news and possibly more today.